STEP 1 - JIRA Connection
AIDA uses the JIRA API token in order to access your JIRA sprints. This is the first step of your registration. The information we receive in these forms are all encrypted and even the encrpyted data is kept securely.
JIRA Email Address should be the same email address that you used to create the JIRA API Token.
JIRA API Token is created through your JIRA dashboard. You can find more information about creating the token from this link.
JIRA API URL is the URL that you access to you JIRA instance. It should be in the format shown in the screenshot on the right.
STEP 2 - Board Selection
The second step is to choose the JIRA board you've created for your project. AIDA will show you the list of boards associated with your account.
Currently AIDA support one board per email address. If you need to add more than one board, you need to register with a different email in the previous step. Each email address you registered with will have access to the board selected in this step.
STEP 3 - Product Owner Selection
In this step you need to assign the Product Owner of this team. You can assign only one Product Owner per JIRA board. If you have more than one, you need to choose one. We suggest you to add the second Product Owner as a stakeholder in Step-5.
STEP 4 - Team Member Selections
In this step, AIDA is asking you add all team members of this agile squad. If you have more than 1 team using the same JIRA board, you need to add all the team members. AIDA can work with teams with minimum 3 team members.
STEP 5 - Stakeholder Selections
In this step you need to add at least one stakeholder with JIRA access.
STEP 6 - Stakeholder Selections
This is the last step of the registration but it is the most important step. Here, you need to share the email addresses of team members, product owners and stakeholders' email addresses so that AIDA can ask for feedback from some time to time. You need to let them know beforehand that they will be receiving emails from AIDA (no more than 2 during the sprint). If you don't do that, AIDA can't learn from their feedback and improve its Artificial Intelligence.
At least 1 sprint after your registration, you will start seeing your reports by logging in.
More information on community developments, updates and industry knowledge can be found on the ICAN Group Blog at or via out LinkedIn page at
For more information on how to start using AIDA, email